Sunday, September 7, 2008

Turkey and Cheese Rolls

Okay, so I got this recipe from here but I don't really like ham and I didn't have the kind of mustard it called for, so here's the recipe I cam up with:

1 batch of Cinnamon Roll Dough
1/2 cup brown mustard (or dijon or spicy brown)
2-3 T honey
Turkey meat sliced thinly
Cheese (lots of your favorite kind)

Make the cinnamon roll dough and then roll it out like you would for cinnamon rolls. Mix together the mustard and honey and lather it all over the dough. Then add the sliced turkey and cheese (sprinkled all over the dough--so you need enough so it covers the dough completely). Roll it up jelly-roll style and then cut it like you would a cinnamon roll. I baked mine in muffin tins, but you could put them in a dish to bake as well. Let them rise for 20-30 minutes and then bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

They are really scrumptious and oh so yummy warm :)

Happy baking!

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